Release Notes

Version 4.1

These updates bring significant improvements to asset management, offline capabilities, and user interface components, enhancing both developer experience and application performance.

Major Changes

Asset Module

  • Introduced the Asset Module for saving, retrieving, securing, selecting, and synchronizing assets across all environments.
  • Implemented environment-specific asset storage: memory for testing, device file system for device, and cloud provider's asset storage for other environments.
  • Added configurable AssetProviders for accessing and uploading assets:
    • Customizable asset paths based on entity IDs.
    • Flexible security rules, including custom rules and inheritance from Drop Repository security.
    • In-memory caching with .withCache() and on-device caching with .withDeviceCache().
  • Introduced StyledAssetProperty for rendering fade-in images and auto-playing videos.
  • Integrated Firebase Storage for assets in Firebase projects.
  • Automated generation and deployment of Firebase Storage security rules based on registered AssetProviders.

Drop Module

  • Improved RepositorySecurity with more robust field value checks.
  • Added asset support to ValueObjects with field<String>(name: ...).asset(assetProvider: ...).
  • Enhanced reference fields with dropdown selection and customizable queries.
  • Introduced Repository.syncing(...) for offline-first applications:
    • Device-based caching of query results.
    • Offline updates with automatic syncing when online.
    • Added SyncIndicator widget for visualizing sync status.
  • Automated Port generation for lists of embedded ValueObjects.
  • Implemented cascading asset deletion when removing ValueObjects containing assets.

Minor Changes

Auth Module

  • Added AuthService.createAccount(...) for creating additional accounts without needing to logout.

Drop Module

  • Introduced .withMapper(mapper) for custom value mapping.
  • Added .withOptions(options) to limit available property options.
  • Significantly improved Repository cache retrieval speeds.
  • Added Repository.environmental(...) and Repository.adaptingToDevice(...) for environment-specific repositories.
  • Updated repository security to not modify queries automatically.
  • Added useSingleton(Query) and useFutureQuery(Query) hooks.
  • Removed FlutterFileRepositoryImplementation.

Port Module

  • Improved field formatting for numeric, currency, date, and phone number inputs.
  • Added customization options for field order in StyledObjectPortBuilder.
  • Set as default for auto-generated text fields.

Style Module

  • Added ActionItem.static.entityCrudActions(entity) for common CRUD operations.
  • Introduced StyledList.wrap and StyledList.withMaxSize(...).
  • Added "Reveal" button for password fields in StyledTextField.
  • Implemented error display for failed StyledButton actions.

Share Module

  • Added functionality for sharing text and files across platforms.
  • Implemented platform-specific sharing: share sheets on mobile, clipboard/download on web.

How to Upgrade

To upgrade your project to Flood v4.1, follow these steps:

  1. Update the flood, flood_core, and flood_cli dependencies in your pubspec.yaml files to v4.1:

      flood: # flood_core, and flood_cli
          url: # Do not change
          ref: v4.1 # <-- Change this from v4.0 to v4.1
          path: # Do not change
  2. Run the following command to update dependencies and rebuild your project:

    melos bs
  3. There will be some breaking changes regarding FlutterFileRepositoryImplementation, setting values based off the name of Ports, and a dependency clash. These changes are really simple to resolve. Refer to this commit (opens in a new tab) as a reference for how the example project upgraded from v4.0 to v4.1.