
Asset Module

The Asset Module in Flood provides a powerful and flexible way to manage assets (such as images, files, etc.) across different environments. It allows for easy saving, retrieving, securing, selecting, and synchronizing assets.


The Asset Module in Flood provides a flexible system for managing assets across different environments and network conditions. It offers several types of asset providers to suit various use cases:

  1. memory: Stores assets in memory. This is useful for temporary storage or testing scenarios.

  2. file: Uses the device's file system to store assets. This provides persistent storage on the device.

  3. cloud: Utilizes the cloud provider's asset storage service. This is ideal for production environments where assets need to be accessible across multiple devices.

  4. adapting: Automatically selects the appropriate storage method based on the current environment. In the testing environment, it will use memory. In the device environment, it will use file. Otherwise, it will use cloud.

  5. syncing: Implements an offline-first caching strategy. This provider:

    • Caches assets locally when the device is online.
    • Uses cached assets when the device is offline.
    • Queues asset updates made while offline.
    • Synchronizes queued updates with the cloud when the device regains internet access.

The syncing provider is particularly useful for applications that need to function seamlessly in both online and offline scenarios, ensuring a smooth user experience regardless of network connectivity.

By leveraging these different asset providers, you can create a robust asset management system that adapts to various environments and network conditions, providing flexibility and reliability in your Flood applications.

Setting Up Asset Providers

To use the Asset Module, you need to register AssetProviders when setting up your FloodCoreComponent:

await corePondContext.register(FloodCoreComponent(
  // ... other configurations
  assetProviders: (context) => [

Creating an AssetProvider

Here's an example of how to create an AssetProvider for user profile pictures:

class UserProfilePictureAssetProvider with IsAssetProviderWrapper {
  final AssetCoreComponent context;
  late final AssetProvider assetProvider = AssetProvider.static
      .adapting(context, (context) => 'users/${context.entityId}/profilePicture')

This AssetProvider:

  • Adapts to the current environment.
  • Saves and retrieves user profile pictures to users/{entityId}/profilePictures.
  • Uses the security rules from the UserRepository.

Using Assets in ValueObjects

You can use assets in your ValueObjects by using the asset field type:

class User extends ValueObject {
  static const profilePictureField = 'profilePicture';
  late final profilePictureProperty = field<String>(name: profilePictureField)
        assetProvider: (context) => context.locate<UserProfilePictureAssetProvider>(),
        allowedFileTypes: AllowedFileTypes.image,
      .withDisplayName('Profile Picture');
  late final List<ValueObjectBehavior> behaviors = [

This setup:

  • Converts a String field into an asset field.
  • Specifies which AssetProvider to use.
  • Defines allowed file types (in this case, only images).

Asset Lifecycle Management

  1. Deletion: When a ValueObject containing an asset, asset list, or embedded ValueObjects with assets is deleted, Drop automatically deletes the corresponding assets from the specified AssetProvider.

  2. Modification: If an asset field is modified (e.g., a new asset is uploaded or an existing asset is replaced), Drop handles the upload of the new asset and deletion of the old one if necessary.

  3. Cascading Deletions: For embedded ValueObjects or lists of assets, Drop ensures that all associated assets are properly deleted when the parent ValueObject is removed.

This automatic asset management ensures that your application maintains data integrity and prevents orphaned assets in your storage system.

Rendering Assets in UI

To display an asset in your UI, you can use the StyledAssetProperty widget:

    child: user.profilePictureProperty.value != null
        ? StyledAssetProperty(
            assetProperty: user.profilePictureProperty.value!,
            width: 35,
            height: 35,
            fit: BoxFit.cover,
        : Padding(
            padding: EdgeInsets.all(5),
            child: StyledIcon(
              size: 25,

This code checks if a user has a profile picture and renders it if available, otherwise displaying a generic profile icon.

Asset Security

The Asset Module provides robust security features:

  • You can define custom security rules, such as:

  • Allowing only authenticated users to access assets.

  • Restricting access based on user roles (e.g., admin access).

  • Limiting access to assets based on user IDs or other entity properties.

  • You can inherit security rules from Drop Repositories, making it easy to align asset access with entity access rules.

Here's an example of setting up asset security manually:

      .adapting(context, (context) => 'users/${context.entityId}/profilePicture')
            read: AssetPermission.authenticated,
            create: AssetPermission.equals(AssetPermissionField.loggedInUserId, AssetPermissionField.entityId),
            update: AssetPermission.equals(AssetPermissionField.loggedInUserId, AssetPermissionField.entityId),
            delete: AssetPermission.admin &
                AssetPermission.equals(AssetPermissionField.loggedInUserId, AssetPermissionField.entityId),

This security configuration:

  • Allows any authenticated user to read the asset.
  • Allows creation and updating only if the logged-in user ID matches the entity ID.
  • Allows deletion only for admin users whose ID matches the entity ID.