App Pages

App Pages

In Pond, each screen in your app is represented by an AppPage. Pond uses the Path Module to determine which AppPage should be displayed based on the current Route.


An AppPage is a HookWidget (opens in a new tab) that wraps a Route. Every time an AppPage is built, the Route passed into it has its properties fully set. This means you can use the Route's properties to build the page, determine a redirect, and specify the parent page.

An AppPage consists of several key components:

  • onBuild(): Defines how the page should be rendered. Here, you can access the Route's properties to customize the page content.
  • getRedirect(): An optional function that is called before the page is displayed. If this function returns a non-null RouteData, the user will be redirected to that route instead of the current one. You can use the Route's properties to determine the redirect logic.
  • getParent(): Allows you to specify a parent page for the current page based on the Route's properties. When warping to the page, the parent page will be displayed first, providing a consistent "back" button behavior.

Here's an example of a Route and AppPage for a sample "greet" page, which handles the /greet/[message] path and shows the value of the [message] parameter in the page:

class GreetRoute with IsRoute<GreetRoute> {
  late final messageProperty = field<String>(name: 'message').required(); // Contains the non-nullable `message` passed into the route.
  PathDefinition get pathDefinition => PathDefinition.string('greet').property(messageProperty); // The route is for the `/greet/[message]` page.
  GreetRoute copy() {
    return GreetRoute();
class GreetPage with IsAppPage<GreetRoute> {
  Widget onBuild(BuildContext context, GreetRoute route) {
    return StyledPage(
      body: Center(
        child: Text(route.message.value), // Show the message passed into the route.

In this example, the GreetRoute is passed into the GreetPage. The onBuild() method of GreetPage uses the message property of the GreetRoute to display the message in the page content.


Redirects in Pond allow you to asynchronously decide whether to redirect the user to a different Route when they try to access the current page. This is handy for cases where you want to prevent access to certain pages based on authentication state or user permissions.

For example, if a user tries to access a profile page but is not logged in, you can use a redirect to send them to the login page instead.

class GreetPage with IsAppPage<GreetRoute> {
  FutureOr<RouteData?> getRedirect(AppPondContext context, GreetRoute route) {
    if (route.message.value == 'John Doe') {
      return MyOtherRoute().routeData; // Redirect to another page if the Route's [message] is 'John Doe'

Parent Pages

Adding a parent to an AppPage ensures that when a user navigates directly to that page, the parent page is displayed first. This provides a consistent "back" button behavior across your app.

For instance, if you have a ProjectDetailsPage that should always be accessed from the ProjectListPage, you can set the ProjectListRoute as the parent of the ProjectDetailsPage. This way, even if a user navigates directly to the ProjectDetailsPage URL, they will see the ProjectListPage when they click the "back" button.

class ProjectDetailsPage with IsAppPage<ProjectDetailsRoute> {
  FutureOr<Route?> getParent(AppPondContext context, HomeRoute route) {
    return ProjectListRoute();

App Page Wrapper

An AppPageWrapper is a way to wrap another AppPage and add extra functionality, such as composing redirects and parent pages. This is particularly useful when you want to apply common behaviors or UI elements to multiple pages.

For example:

class SignupPage with IsAppPageWrapper<SignupRoute> {
  AppPage<SignupRoute> get appPage => AppPage<SignupRoute>()
        .onlyIfNotLoggedIn() // Redirects the user to the home page if they are logged in.
        .withParent((context, route) => LoginRoute()); // When warping here, show the "LoginRoute" as the parent.
  Widget onBuild(BuildContext context, SignupRoute route) {
class HomePage with IsAppPageWrapper<HomeRoute> {
  AppPage<HomeRoute> get appPage => AppPage<HomeRoute>()
        .onlyIfLoggedIn()  // Redirects the user to the login page if they are not logged in.
        .onlyIfAccountExists(); // Redirects the user to the signup page if their auth account is not associated with a UserEntity.
  Widget onBuild(BuildContext context, HomeRoute route) {
class AdminPage with IsAppPageWrapper<AdminRoute> {
  AppPage<AdminRoute> get appPage => AppPage<AdminRoute>()
        .onlyIfAdmin(); // Redirects the user to the login page if they are not logged in or the home page if their account is not an admin account.
  Widget onBuild(BuildContext context, AdminRoute route) {
extension RedirectAppPageExtensions<R extends Route> on AppPage<R> {
  AppPage<R> onlyIfLoggedIn() {
    return withRedirect((context, route) async { // You can compose multiple `withRedirects` on an `AppPage`.
      final loggedInUserId = context.find<AuthCoreComponent>().loggedInUserId; // Use the `Auth` Module.
      if (loggedInUserId == null) {
        return LoginRoute().routeData;
      return null;
  AppPage<R> onlyIfAccountExists() {
    return withRedirect((context, route) async {
      final loggedInUserId = context.find<AuthCoreComponent>().loggedInUserId;
      if (loggedInUserId == null) {
        return LoginRoute().routeData;
      final userExists = await UserEntity.exists( // Use the `Drop` Module.
        userId: loggedInUserId,
      if (!userExists) {
        return SignupRoute().routeData;
      return null;
  AppPage<R> onlyIfAdmin() {
    return onlyIfAccountExists().withRedirect((context, route) async { // You can define one extension by composing multiple other extensions.
      final loggedInAccount = context.find<AuthCoreComponent>().loggedInAccount;
      if (loggedInAccount == null) {
        return LoginRoute().routeData;
      if (!loggedInAccount.isAdmin) {
        return HomeRoute().routeData;
      return null;