
Managing backend resources for your Flutter app can be a complex and time-consuming task, especially when dealing with multiple environments and deployment targets. The Ops automation aims to simplify this process by providing a structured and automated way to deploy your backend resources, reducing the risk of manual errors and ensuring consistency across different environments.


The OpsEnvironment class defines the resources to deploy and the target environment to deploy to. It represents a specific configuration for deploying backend resources. Here are a few examples of OpsEnvironment:

  1. OpsEnvironment.static.firebase and OpsEnvironment.static.firebaseEmulator: Targets Firestore Security Rules.

  2. OpsEnvironment.static.appwrite: Targets Appwrite Projects and Collection Attributes.

The Ops automation provides a flexible and extensible way to define and configure different deployment environments. You can create additional OpsEnvironment implementations to support other backend resources or deployment targets based on your project's requirements.


To use the Ops automation in your Flood project, follow these steps:

  1. Add the OpsAutomateComponent to your AutomatePondContext and define the mapping between environment types and OpsEnvironment:
await automatePondContext.register(OpsAutomateComponent(environments: {
  EnvironmentType.static.qa: OpsEnvironment.static.firebaseEmulator,
  EnvironmentType.static.production: OpsEnvironment.static.firebase,

In this example, we register the OpsAutomateComponent with the AutomatePondContext and define the mapping between environment types and their corresponding OpsEnvironment. The production environment is mapped to OpsEnvironment.firebase, indicating that backend resources will be deployed to the Firebase project. The qa environment is mapped to OpsEnvironment.firebaseEmulator, indicating that resources will be deployed to the Local Firebase Emulator Suite.

  1. Run the Ops automation to deploy your backend resources:
dart tool/automate.dart deploy production

This command triggers the Ops automation to deploy your backend resources to the specified environment, in this case, production. The automation will use the corresponding OpsEnvironment configuration to determine the deployment target and execute the necessary deployment steps.

Behind the scenes, the Ops automation takes care of generating the appropriate configuration files, such as Firestore Security Rules, based on your Flood project's setup. It then deploys these files to the specified environment, ensuring that your backend resources are properly configured and secured.