Flood Documentation

Flood: A Powerful Open-Source Flutter Development Toolkit

What is Flood?

Flood (opens in a new tab) is an innovative toolkit designed to supercharge your Flutter development process. By offering a comprehensive set of modules and tools, Flood empowers developers to build complex, high-quality applications with ease and efficiency.

Key Aspects of Flood

Flood sets itself apart through its modular and cohesive approach:

  • Pond: The foundation of Flood, providing a modular ecosystem for managing components and utilities.
  • Drop: A robust data layer framework for creating, querying, and managing entities and value objects.
  • Port: Simplifies form management with automatic UI generation and validation.
  • Style: A comprehensive theming system for consistent and beautiful UIs.
  • Asset: Streamlines asset management across different environments.
  • Auth: Unified authentication system with flexible implementations.
  • Automate: Powerful tools for automating tasks like releases and backend deployments.

...and many more modules to explore!

Getting Started

Ready to dive in? Follow our Install & Run Your First App guide to begin your journey with Flood. This comprehensive guide will walk you through setting up your first Flood project, introducing you to the toolkit's core concepts and features along the way.

Explore Flood's Potential

To fully appreciate what Flood can do for your development process:

  1. Example Todo App: Check out our example Todo App (opens in a new tab) to see Flood in action.
  2. Video Walkthrough: Watch this YouTube video (opens in a new tab) of Jake Boychenko, the creator of Flood, building an entire Todo app from scratch using Flood.
  3. Real-World Applications: Visit JLogical Projects (opens in a new tab) to see production apps built with Flood.
  4. Source Code: Explore Flood's GitHub repository (opens in a new tab) to get a deeper understanding of its implementation.

Support Flood

If you find Flood valuable, consider supporting its development by starring our GitHub repository (opens in a new tab). This helps increase Flood's visibility in the developer community and shows your appreciation for the project.



We're here to help! If you have any questions or need assistance:

  1. Email Support: Reach out to us at contact@flooddev.com.
  2. Join Our Discord: Get exclusive access to our developer community! Discuss features, get rapid support, and collaborate with Flood enthusiasts. Email contact@flooddev.com to join.

Ready to Revolutionize Your Flutter Development?

Flood is here to streamline your development process, boost productivity, and help you create stunning Flutter applications. Whether you're building a small project or a complex app, Flood has the tools you need to succeed.

Get Started with Flood Today!